Seventh Generation

Native American Church

We host weekly Sunday Spiritual Celebration services at Rabbit Hole Studios.
We gather at 11:00 AM for music, message, prayer, Sacrament, and fellowship.
Rabbit Hole is located at 1001 Winterville Road, Athens GA.
All who come in a good way are welcome.

A’Ho O Mítákuye Oyásíŋ 🦅

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A message from our founder

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Our Vision

We believe in One God,

That which is known by many names,

To whom there are many paths;

Creator of the Universe,

And all that dwells within.

A’ȟo O Mítákuye Oyásíŋ

We affirm, that by the shared and sacred

Breath of Creator,

We and all things are related

In the Sacred Circle of Life.

A’ȟo O Mítákuye Oyásíŋ

We proclaim

We are a people of prayer, Standing on the promise,

“The good prayers of the righteous availeth much”

A’ȟo O Mítákuye Oyásíŋ

We acknowledge the sanctity of all

Beings, and all Things, Animate and Inanimate.

A’ȟo O Mítákuye Oyásíŋ

We accept our mutual and shared responsibility to our

Sacred Mother, The Earth;

To protect and preserve Her Gifts and Resources

A’Ho O Mítákuye Oyásíŋ


 Your Donations Sustain Us!

Created and founded by Robert Black Eagle, Principal Elder, the mission of the Seventh Generation Native American Church is to honor thE Vision OF Sitting Bull by providing wise counsel, wisdom, guidance, teaching, and Ceremony to any and all who come in a good way, with clean hands, an open heart, sincere spirit, and a deep desire to walk in beauty, affirming each step as prayer and enlightenment, seeking unity, understanding, harmony, peace, and justice to and among all living things.

Ohiyesa (Charles Eastman), Sante Sioux, observed,

“There are no temples or shrines among us save those of nature. Being children of nature, we are intensely poetical. We would dream it sacrilege to build a house for The One who may be met face-to-face in the mysterious, shadowy aisles of the primeval forest, or on the sunlit blossom of virgin prairies upon dizzy spires and pinnacles of naked rock, and in the jeweled vault of the night sky! A God who is enrobed in filmy veils of cloud, there on the rim of the visible world where our Great-Grandfather Sun kindles his evening camp-fire, who rides upon fragrant southern airs, whose war canoe is launched upon majestic rivers and inland seas – such a God needs no cathedral.”

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